Testament of Minos




  • Critical Bug Fixes, QoL and Balance updates. After the 0.79 release reports, we found out that we got some serious bugs to prevent game progression and we fixed almost all of them and now the game works as intended.
  • 13 Serve Activities and Breast Devour animated for Wolves
  • 5 Abuse Activities animated for Humans
  • Laura Textures and rendering methods got some updates. Laura solo animations and Brew animations are updated for now and more will come later.
  • New Cheats added and Tutorial/Tips/Dialogues Updated. If you’re confused about something, recheck the tips/tutorials and please report if something is unclear.
  • Quests and Capturing prey are now easier. Preys got more HP until they die and you can use finisher moves to do quests (For example, if you kill an enemy with a Lust Grab/Catch, it counts as “Breed”. Same for devour and slay quests. Assault counts as slay too).



  • Wolves as Prey: Finally, you can grab your wolves and bring to your Temple for ultimate fun!
  • 1.5 Hours of animated content PER gender.
  • Rituals, Endings, Taweret and Brewing sections are fully animated for all the wolf genders. Activities and Cage actions are still renders.
  • New Main Menu and Credits.
  • Bug and Visual fixes.


2025 Roadmap

There won’t be much branching out this year. I’ll be focusing on new and big things as I’m tweaking many of the game’s systems. As you may have noticed, the game is growing rapidly and big systems take time with a two-person team. There’s not much we can do about that.

  • New Animations
    As always, I’ll continue working on still renders that haven’t been animated yet. New endings for the ritual will be added. It is likely that before the end of the upcoming year all activities will be animated.

  • Egyptian Deities
    Anubis, Sobek, and Taweret will be the biggest supporters of Laura’s adventure. Right now, we have Anubis in the Tutorials and Taweret as a quest-giver, but this will be greatly expanded this year. The three gods will have their quests and support for Laura in different ways. All of these interactions will be animated.

  • Romance
    Laura and romance. Yes, it’s ridiculous, and how could it be? The key word is Anubis. Without giving any spoilers, Anubis’s mission will be to examine Laura physically and divinely, and while doing so, he will trigger some feelings inside Laura, who has never received attention as an individual in her life. Similarly, Anubis, who is actually an attention freak but is not targeted very much, will meet new things in Laura. Will Anubis be able to satisfy Laura in the end of this relationship that will be in the atmosphere of a romantic comedy? We will all watch together. As a result, the things that will happen between Laura and Anubis will be shown with loop animations like activities and non-fatal lovemaking like relief endings.

  • World
    One of the weakest things in the game is still the world. Since I’ve always been interested in Laura and honestly I’m really bad at making maps, I’ve been putting this off for a long time. But now we need a proper map system for both Laura’s own island and the big islands she fights on. This is inevitable for the events in the world, enemies, bosses and the story. For these reasons, I want to add maps that will completely describe the game world this year. New enemies will also be added.

  • Digestive System
    Where does Laura’s food go? How do Laura’s 4 stomachs work? What does the food do inside? What is the role of the intestines? What happens to someone who is taken from behind? We’re all curious about these. I always had a plan in mind to make an interface that would translate this into visuals, but since it was almost impossible with 3D rendering, I kept it waiting. When I saw that one of the excellent artists I commissioned was closely related to vore and had a similar drawing style to what I had in mind, I told him about it and we started the project. There will be an interface where we can see Laura’s organs with completely 2D drawings, and here we will be able to see what is in each stomach and how much is digested, both from inside the organs as an x-ray and from outside, as an “animation”. Of course, for those who want to be selective about the visuals, it will be up to you to see the inside view. Along with this system, Laura’s hunger and eating capacity will also be re-compiled accordingly.

  • Breeding
    There will be a completely new system. With breeding, which we will see as a night activity in Laura’s own house and bed, Laura will mate with those she deems appropriate to form her own society. Of course, not everyone will succeed. Male pregancy will also be involved. I am still thinking about the details, it will not be ready by 2025, but I added it so that those who are interested can know. Laura will not have any relationship with her children, let me say that before I forget. They will be used more for tasks such as placement and assignment on the map.
    I would like to state that, every character in the game turns 18 the night they are born, so we will not see children or babies in this game, never. Having a touch of the divine lets Laura skip right past all that to create a force to be reckoned with on this island and to help her keep an iron grip on everything and everyone she has conquered.

  • Farming
    As a cow, it is very normal for Laura to love the fields. She will also have her own small field, for which she will provide the fertilizer herself. Although I have said in advance that dirty concepts will not be added to the game, I think the option to add small fertilization scenes could go nicely within the scope of humiliation. I wanted to share it as a potential long-term plan.

It is and continues to be amazing to have the support of everyone here to help make this game a reality. I don’t think I’ll ever find a way to be grateful enough for everything you’ve given me. Thank you all for everything you’ve provided.

At the same time, I would like to thank Krovet, who has made great efforts to code the game in the middle of the conflict in Ukraine. My testers, who tried the game over and over again every month and saved us from big troubles and my editors whose minds I exhausted with my English. Without you, Laura would not exist.

Happy New Year!


2024 Development Summary

  • Anthro wolves as prey! I was able to finish it at the last minute, but as I promised it is ready for 2024. Wolves can now be captured in battles and all ritual abilities and endings opened so far for all genders have been added to the game with the December update. Activities outside of rituals will be added quickly in the coming days.

  • As an adult game, the priority is, of course, the visuals. This year, 10 long cage and ritual endings, as well as more than 60 activity animations, were added. Hundreds of still renders were used for the new combat system. With the newly added talent trees and renewed UIs, Testament of Minos has reached a solid foundation.

  • First of all, very important steps have been taken for the game’s development this year. Almost all systems have been updated or renewed. An infrastructure was prepared for a more intricate gaming experience. The RPG elements in the game are placed on a solid foundation, so we can say that there will likely be no major reworks needed to those from now on.

  • The biggest development of the year was in the combat area. My efforts to blend kink and violence with tactical turn-based combat in an appropriate way have borne fruit. Laura can now fight her enemies in unimaginable ways.

  • Of course, a solid RPG system was needed for such a combat. Without making things too complicated, which I often tend to do, I added a character progression that can be used with the ties between Laura and her preys.

  • Talent Trees! They are everywhere! After years of playing World of Warcraft and Diablo 1, my obsession with trees has grown and I wanted to use it well in ToM. As a result, 9 talent trees, six of which are combat and three of which are related to the Egyptian gods, currently offer the player everything Laura can do. The most important thing I paid attention to in these trees was not just simple stat bonuses, but adding something new that you can use in the game.

  • The ritual game, which was the beginning of everything, has finally been updated. Unnecessary things have been removed, new things have been added. The long-desired ordering and video-skipping options have been added. You now have the freedom to skip through scenes or take your time and watch Laura get to work on her prey.

  • The ritual ending system has also been changed along with the ritual. Again, the much-desired randomization of the endings has been provided. On top of that, some endings have become secrets that can be unlocked according to Laura’s condition. Though reaching the endings has become a little more difficult, with the shortening of the ritual game’s duration, the system has been transformed from a gallery with direct player selection to a real game experience. Of course, new cheat codes have been added for those who do not want it this way.

  • There have been nice additions to the game’s lore. Laura, who fights against the Greek gods, especially Poseidon, will now be supported by a small group of Egyptian gods. This group, consisting of Anubis, Sobek and Taweret, will play a big role in the development of Laura and her preys.

All in all, a lot has been accomplished this year. But that does not mean I’m about to rest on my laurels. Laura has yet more ahead of her in a bright future.



  • Breasts Animations: It’s Boob Month! 3 new Breasts endings for rituals and 6 activities under the Milk category.
  • Anubis’ Rituals got 2 more filled and anality endings.
  • Laura’s New Friend, Anubis: As the Egyptian Deities are in the lore now, Anubis has replaced Artemis as Laura’s mentor/supporter/toy. Anubis is at the new intro and two new tutorials in Endings and the Ritual game. Hear him carefully as he tries his best to tell you all the new stuff in the game.
  • Ritual Climax Levels: Laura now has 5 climax levels for the ritual game. Every climax level has its own endings.
  • Gift Tree: A talent tree system revolving around the Egyptian Deities supporting Laura. She will gain favor and level up her “Loyalty” to those gods to earn Ritual skills, ritual endings, cage slay/devour finishers and activities.
  • Ending System Remake: Endings bind to the climax level with which you finish the ritual. Every climax level has it’s own Filled and Anality endings. Fatalities are randomized and every climax level has its own fatality type. For example, you get one of the head fatalities if you finish the ritual at climax level 3. The new Endings UI will show you which endings are possible at which climax level by which ritual type.
  • New Ending Category, Secrets: Secrets are special fatalities which need specific conditions such as Incite or Starve. Laura executes Secret endings ‘out of players control’ at every climax level increase or when she manually cums by a random chance. Example: If Laura has the Starve condition, she can execute a Vorality ending when she passes to the next climax level, if you have activated a tablet with a Vorality ending.
  • Rune System replaced by Tablets to fit to Ancient Egypt Theme.
  • Gallery Remake: We’ve got a new ending gallery with more info and filters. You need to activate the tablet and execute that ending at least once to be able to watch it at the gallery. There is also a cheat code to enable them all without this.
  • Ending Names and Descriptions: Thanks to my editor, Cheese the 111th, we finally have some personality for the ritual endings.

  • The Ritual Minigame is remade after 3 years with all the feedback from our supporters.
  • Rituals renamed Sobek, Taweret, and Anubis, Ancient Egyptian Gods supporting Laura in her quest for revenge.
  • You will be able to queue up ritual skills and their stats will be added as soon as you add them to provide an accurate preview of the queue’s results. You may add as many skills as you want and watch Laura unleash a powerful combo.
  • You may pause or skip a queued skill. This allows you to buy time to make choices, stop a scene to check details or make the game faster as you skip the skills you don’t want to watch.
  • Climax and Health are the same. Heat is the new global critical chance.
  • Spark is the new requirement for advanced skills. You may gain it in combat by using Lust-based finishers or in rituals with basic skills. There will be more uses for this resource in the future.
  • Ritual types for rituals of Relief and Sacrifice will be chosen in the ritual game with dedicated buttons.
  • The Overheat button forces a skill to have its critical effect with the use of extra sparks.
  • There is a manual cum button which will have a proper purpose in the next build.
  • We’ve got 2 new sacrifice endings, one anal vore and one hard vore with decapitation.

– 4 Milk/Breast Activities are animated.
– Quests are balanced with Laura’s level. A quest box was added to the temple and the combat.
– Hunger and Charge talent trees updated with new talents.
– Options menu re-worked, graphic options are fixed and cheats are added.
– Experience gained from combat is boosted.
– Enemy HP added to the health bars.

– 14 Activities (Training – Cleaning Laura) and a cage slay option are animated.
– Feline, a new enemy race, was added as female cheetah, intersex tiger, and male lion anthros.
– Canine Anthros and Human enemies got new Hunter, Soldier, and Centurion variations.
– Combat Character image quality is improved, they are less cartoon, and clearer now.
– New Combat FX and zone backgrounds.

Progress System:
– A progress system was added with Laura leveling and talent trees.
– Zones are rebalanced with new enemy and race types and activated by Laura’s level.
– 6 Talent trees added with 180+ talents, 3 Martial and 3 Violence trees about combat and finisher moves.
– Players may get new skills, attack series, buffs, combos, and more with those talents.
– Players can reset talents anytime and a new cheat (CTRL-ALT-E) is added for experience.
– Talent Bonuses are sometimes hard to explain as Laura’s stats may change with her rage, lust, or hunger. Players may still see those at Combat Info Box with the talent name’s first letters.

New Stats:
– Laura gets some new character stats named “Mind” stats, such as Savage, Libido, and Glutton. These stats improve Laura’s finisher moves damage and various Laura capacities like hunger, cum.
– Trauma replaces prey stat, Sanity. Prey gets more Trauma level as Laura pushes their mentality.
– Laura Stat, Sensation. Laura will get Sensation by devouring her enemies/prey with Trauma and turning her Sensation to the new Mind stats with activities. It’s like the Meat Grade-Protein-Body Stats formula but for Mind stats.
– Temple and Activity UI is updated.
– Inventory UI and Belt re-designed.

– Visual and sound effects added to Combat.
– New Mechanic: Stun, Kicks may stun enemies which makes them very vurnable for sudden kills like Hunger Grab Devour, Assault Stomp and Catch Brutalities.
– You can select Fight Stance amount with buttons under the Laura’s face.
– Grabs are more tactical as rage grabs deal high damage, lust grabs cripples enemy badly and hunger grabs may devour (Keep Inside).
– Catch damage is buffed and catch brutalities may happen to unshielded enemies.

– New Combat System, Laura’s Wrath unleashed.
– New Enemies, Wolf Anthro Exiles with female/male/futa genders and Human soldiers.
– New Martial Arts, charges, punches and kicks.
– Violance Arts, tons of devour, breed, stomp, crush, suffocate, smother of any kind of kink in combat.
– Tactical gameplay with new stats, enemy debuffs, sudden kills, protoss shields (wha?) and more crazy stuff.
– 10 New unique OST for Battles.
– 2 New Zones.

– 5 Soak Activities Animated,
– 1 Cage Oralvore Devour Animated.


– 7 Suck/Oral Activities Animated,
– 2 Serve Activities Animated,
– Original Soundtrack Added, new 7 Music!
– Fixes: Using Male Humans at Brew, Using Belt at Combat, some ritual videos.


– Cock Vore Scene at Cage is animated,
– 5 Soak Activities Animated,
– 3 New Cage Devour Scene ( 1 CV, 2 OV)

 – 3 New Temple Animations Remake,
– 2 New Temple Animations if you devour (oral or anal, whole) a caged prey. Devour 2 or more to see the second,
– 22 New Activities with Preys,
– – 1 New Cage Vag/UB Devour Scene

– Taweret, the Hippo Goddess of Egypt is in the game as a quest giver.
– She will devour the preys given to her with her big hippo mouth.
(Oralvore – Assfirst Animation)
– She can give you resurrection scrolls when you bring preys who lost their sanity
or she can just accept them as a gift.
– Her quests may give you favor, a beefy prey or make the preys better.

– Rituals Updated with MortaL Kombat Effects and new BG.
– Gallery Updated with new visuals/info/runes.
– Male Voice replaced with proper Voice Actor.
– New Killing animation, beheaded by ass.
– New 3 Oral sex animations.


– 3 new animations for oral sex, suck tab at activities!
– Preys got Traits, Resistance and Interests now.
– Traits give more health, stamina, sanity and more to the preys
– Preys may got their own interest of something sexual, like breast, cawk or even used like a toy! You will figure out them as you use them in some activities they enjoy.
– Resistance is futile as Laura says but still some preys needs to be broken before they accept their destiny or just used as a food..

– Oral sex is here! 2 New activity animations added under “Suck”.
– Futa Sub/Prey option is fully in the game.

Overall Game
– 3 New activity animations added under “Serve”.

Futa Human Part 3
– Ritual of Lust for Futa gender is in the game with all the skills, relief and sacrifice endings.
– Ritual of Rage will be added at next builds.

Overall Game
– Breast Devour Animation added as a devour option for milk gain.
– An overall UI update to make the game is very clear and standard, from the bars to buttons.
– 3 New activity animations added under “Serve”.

Futa Human Part 3
– Futa Human can be used at rituals. Ritual of Balance for Futa gender is in the game with all the skills, relief and sacrifice endings.
– Ritual of Lust and Ritual of Rage will be added at next builds.

Overall Game
– 4 New activity animations added under “Serve”.
– Overall visual update to make UI objects sharp and detailed.
– Activity UI buttons and bars redone for a clearer view.

Futa Human Part 2
– Futa Human can be captured when they are beaten.
– They can be used at cage interactions and activities (use, brew, breed, devour, slay)
– Ritual will be activated next build.

Cage Activities Part 4:
– 12 New activities added, including milking and cleaning her. 
– 10 Activity animated. All the “Treat” section is animated now.
– 2 new items added as Laura’s Milk and Cum which you get by milking her.
– Activities got Rage and Lust ranges. Laura can’t be nice if she is angry. Logic!
– Brew Recipes with Laura’s Milk now requires Laura’s Milk item which you get from milking her boobs. 
– Laura’s Milk and Cum can be used at activity section on the selected prey to fill them. 

Futa Human Part 1
– Futa Human is added as an enemy.
– You can do them anything at combat.
– Capture is not available for now.
– Rituals and Activities will be added in later builds as we code and animate.
Overall Game
– There are more cheats. Use them to save time as save games break everytime. 
 (Cheats are in the text file at MEGA Game folder.)
– Activity balance. Bonding is more important for activities. 

Cage Activities Part 3:
– Cage Devour Mouth Whole option got an Oral Vore Foot First animation.  ( You may need to devour some preys as animation plays randomly. )
– You get your ritual endings selected when you start new game. An old ending which is missing for a while, head kick added as a default ending for Ritual of Lust-Sacrifice.
– Treat Activity 5 and 6 is animated. They are brain filling with cum and milk.
– Time system is in the game as different actions take different times as minutes.
– New cheats. Cheats are in the text file at MEGA Game folder.

Cage Activities Part 2:
Start New Game
– Activity System is in the game.
– Fill your preys, smother them to make their meat better, eat them to get protein and work out to get strenght.
– Bond with your preys to able to make more activities together.
– Take care of their sanity, fill their brains to make them well.
– Cook their head and bite them to boost your senses.
– 6 New Activities under Abuse Section.
– 3 Activities under Treat are animated.
– 2 New Endings about Thighs (Suffocation-Crush).

– New Ending with Halloween concept
– Cage UI has been reworked.
– Cage interactions have their own selection screen, options and text.
– Breed got oral, anal and vaginal options.
– Devour got hardvore, oral, anal, cock and vaginal options.
– Cage interractions are static images. Animated versions will be added as I finish.
– Preys got their names now! Know who you eat or sacrifice!
– Some buttons got Laura voice.
– Cum/Milk is coded but not yet to use in the game.

– Brewing (Alchemy-Potion Crafting) Added! Now you can brew the preys!
– Herbs added, you can find them as you explore the island, every zone got different herbs.
– You get as many herbs as you used at brewing like 3 Healing herb will give you 3 HP Potion.
– Use potato for medium potions and potato + eye for large potions.
– Explore Screen and Combat system updated.
– Laura main stats changed to Arm and Leg Strength from Strength and Dexterity.
– Ritual Skill stats are now different, every ritual got different pros-cons.
– Fix: Some old endings were not usable.
– Herb cheat added.
– Other things I forgot!

– 2 New Endings for Ritual of Lust, living dildo and unbirth (or Anal Vore, up to your imagination 🙂 )
– Temple Screen is remade with proper buttons and animated background.
– Temple Screen got many bars for information about Laura. (Milk and Cum is not working yet).
– Wait to watch random poses of Laura at Temple Screen.
– Stash Screen updated with info bars too.
– Ritual Screen is more clean now.
– When you “Breed” an enemy after combat, you gain 500 Climax.
– “Lube” added. Use it with right click at stash. It will absorb damage to prey.